Ray Mears New ITV Series


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
Excellent, although it does seem to confirm that RM and the BBC have parted company. Good news is, ITV will be more willing to make the programmes we want... i.e. bushcraft ones, as they have not done it with him before. I doubt the BBC would have wanted to go over the same ground again.
should be good scratch that should be very good
i have often thought that we would benefit from topics a bit closer to home, whilst i find any outdoors programmes fascinating i am personally limited to this country for most (if not all) my own activities and to see mr mears in this country can only inspire myself and others. it might also show that you dont have to travel to the ends of the earth to experience the wonders of the outdoors.

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Well that's a step in the right direction anyway, just a shame it's apparently concentrating on wildlife alone.
I hanker for the day, when they announce a whole series, along the lines of the "aboriginal britain" episode he did a couple of series back.

It would be easy enough to fill out 6 hours worth of tv, with a mixture of archaeology,natural history, stunning scenery and bush & craft skills thrown in, but all based in the UK.

Better than nowt anyway.


Bootstrap Bob

Full Member
Jun 21, 2006
Good news is, ITV will be more willing to make the programmes we want... i.e. bushcraft ones, as they have not done it with him before.

You are assuming that's what Ray wants to do but I doubt it.
From the various interviews I have seen I get the impression he wants to concentrate on wildlife and the environment now rather than the bushcraft as we have seen in his earlier series.

I hope I'm wrong as I would like to see a UK based 'bushcraft' series showing how our own ancestors survived.

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
You are assuming that's what Ray wants to do but I doubt it.
From the various interviews I have seen I get the impression he wants to concentrate on wildlife and the environment now rather than the bushcraft as we have seen in his earlier series.

I hope I'm wrong as I would like to see a UK based 'bushcraft' series showing how our own ancestors survived.

I agree Bob but they didn't just survive, they flourished!:camping:




Apr 27, 2008
forest row
just for kick il say exactly the same thing as eveyone else,
but will it be available on the web and when will it be aired.??

sound great


Oct 30, 2007
NorthWest England
Im looking forward to this as much as anyone, but im definately hoping that he's not becoming too natutral history orientated.

Perhaps he feels he has covered all he can with the bushcraft subject... or at least covered what he is prepared to demonstrate to the genral public, without going on one of his coursses. We shall see.

robin wood

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 29, 2007
Nice to see. I talked with some nameless producers about a "fieldcraft" program several months ago and then he was filming in the Peak district a few weeks later. Sounds just the sort of thing everyone asks for.


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