Pitching tarp and hammock for the first time


Jul 8, 2006
Right, sorry for sounding so dim, but I'm still not entirely with you. The way I'm understanding it (or not as is more likey the case) is this: Someone's selling a tent for £100 so we wait until five people want that tent and each put in £20... kind of a time-share thing?

Okay, so I was being a little silly with that last line, but I honestly don't get it?

Maybe you're more familiar with the term "wholesale"? The general idea is this:
Say a tent costs £100 if you buy just one. If you buy twenty, you might be able to get them at a reduced cost - say, 20 tents at £80 each. Maybe the £20 drop is optimistic but that's the idea :p People bulk-buying to save money. Somehow I never have any money when I see a group buy I'm interested in :rolleyes:


PS: Well, beaten to the point :p


Oct 31, 2008
any clearer now

Well.... sort of. It must be my bed time. My brain's slowing up. I understand the wholesale concept, but it's the seller part I'm struggling with now.

Staying with the hypothetical tent - why would someone be selling 10 tents? Does the seller need to be running some kind of business or something, so that they can sell in bulk?


Full Member
Jun 12, 2007
right here are the rules for a group buy as written tony....

This forum is for members of Bushcraft UK to organise group buys for other member. The organisation of group buys is purely voluntary and the idea is that the price for an item can be driven down by buying in bulk. It works well.

Unless you’ve organised a group buy yourself you’ll have little idea of how much work and effort goes into negotiating, organising, paying, delivering and all the other stuff that goes into a successful group buy.

In light of this please abide by what the organiser of the group buy says, they’re the ones doing all the legwork, make it as easy as possible for them at all times.

Do not say yes to any goods unless you’re serious, pay the organiser how he asks on time and always be grateful that someone else has done all the work so you can have a some kit at a good price.

please say you understand now. at the end of the day it a GB saves you money


Full Member
Jun 12, 2007
I hesitate to ask, but what does DD stand for exactly? And what do you mean by 'group buy' ?

i asked nick at DD and here is reply...

No, the DD doesn't really stand for anthing. The first hammocks I sold had 'DD superior hammock' on them which I shortened to DD Hammocks. I was also living in Dundee at the time and my postcode was DD....!

I wanted a name that was short and memorable and I think DD works quite well...

there you go guys...mind you crazy daves reply did sound good !!


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