My clock!


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!

I found this old clock about six months or so ago, maybe a bit longer, abandoned in one of the trucks I was driving back then and it was in a bag of rubbish that the previous driver obviously hadn't bothered to take out. I was sat waiting to drop off steel plate at some God forsaken steel mill and decided to have a play with it. I wound it up and gave it a shake and it started ticking away. I set the alarm and that worked too! I couldn't see what was wrong with it. Right, I thought, I'm having that!

So, I got it home and set it up, having noticed that it had stopped. It was pretty much fully wound up and so I gave it a shake and it started again. Herein lay the problem. It stops all the time. It was put away and I forgot all about it.

I started to tidy my man crap room up yesterday, and found it again! I took the mechanism out of the casing and started to look at how it worked. I also noticed that somehow the alarms' spring was no longer set right and it wouldn't wind up. I took the spring out and tweaked it to fit onto the post again, it has a notch in the spring that locates over a sticky out bit and it wasn't sitting correctly. Whilst the spring was out, I got my WD 40 pen and lubed as much of the mechanism for the clock as I could. I refitted the spring, wound up both the alarm and the clock and set it going.

So far, it has been running since yesterday lunchtime. I have needed to adjust the speed on the clock with the use of the little + or - lever on the back and it seems to be keeping good time. It is currently back in its' casing, but I wouldn't mind putting the mechanism into a wooden casing, maybe carved from some birch! It could well be a constant companion on trips from now on, the tick-tock, tick-tock sound is very soothing and it's not a bad keeper of time! If i can change the face though to a more subdued look, it looks just a bit too gaudy at the moment!


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
Indeed! The Army is held together with Paracord and Harry Black and if something moves that shouldn't, you use one of those two items to secure it. If something doesn't move and it should, it's time to get the Fosbro out (Basically, WD 40!)



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 15, 2005
My alarm clock is self winding,requires no batteries, no electric plug, and quite loud with a rich melodious sound.

Only problem I have with it is that I am unable to re-set it from its five AM (or thereabouts) setting:(

Here it is...

Can anyone tell me how to change the alarm time on this model?


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
No need to, as they sing beautifully! In fact, I have seen many blackbirds already this year and there are four that are frequent visitors to my bird table. They sing me on my way to work first thing in the morning and I love to sit in the kitchen looking out the window at them posturing at each other! I do like the ticking of the clock though, although the alarm is horrendous!



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