Metal work advice

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 24, 2008
Norwich UK
Ok don't laugh ......Yet

I have made stuff before but with all the great stuff I keep seeing here, I thought I would ask my close friends for some pointers.

I am going to make a billie kit and have most of the raw stuff needed, my question is

1. what the easiest way the measure the can for drilling the air holes around a tin. so they are equal.

2. pan grip or removeable handle?

3. joining metal together - welding, solder or rivets etc?


Aug 20, 2006
Wrexham, North Wales
Ok don't laugh ......Yet

I have made stuff before but with all the great stuff I keep seeing here, I thought I would ask my close friends for some pointers.

I am going to make a billie kit and have most of the raw stuff needed, my question is

1. what the easiest way the measure the can for drilling the air holes around a tin. so they are equal.

2. pan grip or removeable handle?

3. joining metal together - welding, solder or rivets etc?

i'm no expert, but the way i would go about it,

1 strip of paper wrapped aroun the tin, cut so the two ends just meet, divide the paper into equal sections then place back around the tin and drill where marked

2 i prefer a fixed handle, some change these to a wire handle on small billies to make them easier to stow, your preferance really

3 if your making your kit based on the tea'coffee tins/cuttlery drainers etc, i think they will be too thin to weld, with arc anyway, not sure about mig or tig, for ease again i would be tempted to rivet

hope that gives some ideas

Ogri the trog

Apr 29, 2005
Mid Wales UK
Ok don't laugh ......Yet

I have made stuff before but with all the great stuff I keep seeing here, I thought I would ask my close friends for some pointers.

I am going to make a billie kit and have most of the raw stuff needed, my question is

1. what the easiest way the measure the can for drilling the air holes around a tin. so they are equal.

2. pan grip or removeable handle?

3. joining metal together - welding, solder or rivets etc?

Don't worry Globetrotter, the dumbest question is the one you don't ask - at least this way you get an answer.
Easiest way to get equi-distant holes is to wrap a length of paper around the outside and mark the circumference. Then remove it and fold to get the number of hole centres, replace the paper and mark the holes.
If your handle is permanently attached, it'll heat up - its not a bad thing, just something to take into consideration.
Use whichever method of joining that you can do best, if you can weld it, great - if nuts and bolt are your thing then thats great too. Soldering is probably unrealistic for something over an open fire and rivets are an aquired skill to get a good seal. Keep in mind that if you have unsealed joins on the food-side of your billie, it can trap and harbour old food and lead to problems.

For a few personal takes on billie kits, I like to have low holes on one side and high holes on the other - this makes me think that if I get the wind blowing from the right side, it'll assist in combustion. You might wish to have a large hole through which to add fuel without removing the billie off the top. Also consider the wind direction for the placement of the fuel hole, if you add fuel to the cold side of the fire, it'll take longer to heat up to ignition point.
You can buy pot grips for a few quid that will save a lot of messing about.
Be careful, making billie kits is addictive, I must have about 6 now, each a supposed modification on the last but I've still not found the perfect kit for me yet.

Good luck and show us your results.

Ogri the trog

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 24, 2008
Norwich UK
Thanks for the advice guys, I got a biscuit tin from Morrisons reduced to £1.98 I liked the lid it will be a small frypan. The base was black now nice and shiny until the fire gets it. Will post pics soon


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