Humdrum's Biltong Experiments


Full Member
Jul 19, 2014
Stradishall, Suffolk
I decided to start a new thread as the old one was started for a different reason.

Im in too far to turn back now.
Meat spent 4 hours in the fridge and now hung in the box

my biltong box came with some seasoning so I thought I would use it first before trying my own.
It tells me the 200g of mix is enough for 6 kilos of meat along with 180ml of vinegar so as I have 1/2 a kilo of meat
I have used 16-17g of mix and should have used 15ml of vinegar but spilt too much in my tray and used about 30-40ml.

The next hurdle was that I am keeping the box in my Garage and as it is semi transparent my garage is lit up like a petrol station forcourt!!!

Luckily I kept the box it was delivered in so I cut the top off, upturned it and placed it over the box. As it was slightly longer I left it over hanging the bench to let plenty of air to the fan and then cut a large vent hole in the top at the other end.

I can't wait!!!
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 25, 2011
North Yorkshire, UK
So, what you are telling us is that 24hrs a day you have partially-hidden strong lighting in your garage.

Better be prepared for some good explanations when someone reports your weed crop.


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
I'm just asking , but how thin have you cut the strips? They look quite thick in those photos .I think thinner is advised to be better.



Full Member
Jul 19, 2014
Stradishall, Suffolk
So, what you are telling us is that 24hrs a day you have partially-hidden strong lighting in your garage.

Better be prepared for some good explanations when someone reports your weed crop.

I was actually having the same conversation with someone else earlier lol. Hopefully as I have no strong smell of weed and no extraordinarily amounts of high heat in there I am hoping I am going to get left alone.

Hmmm....might have to give this Biltong a go, myself. (Had to google Biltong)

It's on the list of "things to try at some point" along with making bacon, curing my own hams, etc.

Give it a go! its something I have wanted to try for a few years and never really looked into it. I am still very wet behind the ears with it but as I couldnt find too much detailed information on here I thought I would do my bit for the community.

I'm just asking , but how thin have you cut the strips? They look quite thick in those photos .I think thinner is advised to be better.


The thickest is probably 1.5cm (the middle piece). I was trying to keep it as close to 1cm as possible but my meat cutting skills and lack of decent kitchen knife didn't help. the meat hooks are about 4-5mm thick and the longest piece that i could hang is 15cm.

It literally looked like it should do within 24 hours, the good thing is, I can crouch down and look through the fan without disturbing it.
after 48 hours it is still a bit soft if i squeeze the thinnest bit so I am going to leave it another 24 hours and cut a piece open.

The only disadvantage I can see now with not washing the herb mix off before drying is that they now look like they have sawdust on them but it brushes off quiet easily.

I cant wait, its like cooking your favorite meal but having to wait days rather than minutes watching the oven. :D

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
We never cut whole meat (moose/deer/elk/bison) more than 1/8" thick. Partially frozen makes the task far easier.
With both the cure and the seasoning, there's never any reason to wash or wipe the rub off
until the meat is fully set. You can brush it off _after_ you get out of the truck, thank you very much.

I will be doing 3lbs bison burger in 2 days. Properly mixed, it will have the texture of whole meat but
with far less fuss and bother to incorporate into other dishes. I will run my smoker with apple wood at 225F for the set.
I should do 10lbs but don't have the smoker capacity.


Dec 15, 2014
Sleaford Lincolnshire
When I make mine I usually cut it 3/4 to 1 inch thick 20mm-25mm and dry it until it is just springy I know it wont last as long but it is never around long enough to go off. you can cut it very thin but then it drys out much quicker and is more like jerky.
I never remove the spices it all adds to the flavour. try it sliced thinley and mixed with chilli chutney.;);)


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