home made awls

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
With our bark container workshop tomorrow, I decided to make some new awls a week or so back but got carried away with one or two:D



I made a good slack handful of plain one's, then decided to have a doodle.

I used a combination of my Bernie Garland bushcrafter, home made whittler and my old chip carver. I "aged" them with a bit of dark tan kiwi!

Thanks for looking;)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 21, 2005
Nice - what did you use for the 'spike'?, is it hardened at all?

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nice - what did you use for the 'spike'?, is it hardened at all?

I used a "needle" from a descaling gun. These are very hard, the "guns" have about 20 of these needles fixed into them. They are used for rust and paint removal.

I acquired :27: a pack of replacement needles a few years ago and have made all sorts of things with them.

For a bark awl, you don't really need the steel to be super hard, in fact, you could make an awl from a bone or even a piece of sharpened hard wood.



Full Member
May 27, 2008
Those look great !

You can use obo type masonry nails, easy to get from B&Q etc, already hardened too.

Shape the point on a belt sander, grinding wheel, or bit of wet and dry. Can also chuck them in a power drill and run them against the abrasive if you want a smooth point version.

Cheers, Paul

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
thanks for all the kind compliments,It's a funny world you know, I sit and tootle on with these odds and ends and when I finish something, I might ask the family; "what do you think?" almost always It's; "alright" quite often it's, "and where are you going to put THAT?":D

It's really nice to have somewhere to share my "bit's and bob's" and if I can inspire one or two to have a go, then I'm happy;)

The wood used was just an old hazel walking stick blank I had hanging in the garage for about three years. I thought it would be difficult to carve but it was no bother, although I did have to sharpen my chip knife a time or two. ( it cost me £4 so not the best quality steel)

I was thinking of the "iron giant" I think that's what the character was called, when I was hacking out the head shaped one.I can't remember the comic now it may have been the Valiant?, but that's where it came from.;)

The knot pattern one went exactly where I thought it might:D , Traded for a traditional strike alight from Eric's collection, today, at our container making event. :D

More on that later:rolleyes:

Sincere thanks again

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
My God Steve, am I that predictable?


Not really:D , but you know when you make something and you think; " I know who'll like that"?
I just had a feeling;)

Actually, I kind of had you in mind while was making it, :eek:

Is that serendipity by any chance?:bluThinki

anyway, I'm off to set to, with a bit of a report on yesterdays carryings on:D



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