Fish trap tutorial (heavy pics)

jon r

Apr 7, 2006
England, midlands
Hello everyone. After my success with the fish trap i made i thought you would like to see how it was made.

The content of this tutorial doesnt have to be followed precicely, its just how i did things and it turned out well.

First you need to go gathering materials. I used Hazel wood. Choose the thin long shoots of wood which i would think are a couple of years old. You dont have to use hazel, There should be plenty of other wood types you can use. I can imagine Willow would work well but you could even use things like Alder whips.

Once you have got the wood you can strip the bark off and tie them together into small bundles and let them dry. Hazel dried for me over night on top of a hot radiator! The wood suffered no splitting.

Keep a hand full of wood fresh for the next stage though because its easier to bend when fresh.


Ok, next you need to make some hoops which will be part of the basic frame of your trap. With some wood that is still fresh, gradually work it in your hands to make it more flexible, then begin to shape into hoops. Like so:

Wrap string around them to hold them in place. Now leave them to dry and when all the moisture in the wood is gone they should keep their shape.

I used a total of 6 hoops in the frame of my trap.


Once they are dry and solid you can taper the ends so that they fit together nicely. Then bind them to create a nice hoop. I used Lime bark to bind mine.

Its easier said that done as you might dind out! :)




Once the hoops are done and dusted, take some of your dry wood and begin to make the basic frame up. Start by tieing 4 lengths of wood to the hoops. And then another 4 between them.



Make sure all your knotts are good and tight!!

I made this little door on mine for getting the fish out. I would strongly advise this! It was very helpfull having this little door so that i could put bait inside etc.


Now just keep on adding wood to make up your cage. And you should have something which looks like this: ( i feel like im presenting Art Attack :lmao: )


Now its time to make the one way door/ doors. (you can have one on both ends or not) Its very hard to explain how i did this so im just going to give you another picture


Basicly, rather than creating another really small hoop i tied all the peices together into a ring

If you have only done one 1 way entrance you had better block the other end up. :p

If you find that your cage construction has large gaps in it then you can wrap string round the whole thing evenly so the little ones cant escape!


And you're done! If youve got this far i am impressed! Now post your trap on BCUK!


I hear that these traps work best in rivers with the entrance facing upstream but i use mine in a lake and it works fine.

For the bait i stuffed a pine cone with bread and suspended it in the centre of the trap with 2 bits of string. I located it near to the entrance.


Weight your trap down with rocks and put it in the water. I put mine on a line of string so i could pull it back to the lake side. I pushed it out with a long stick.

If you dont catch anything at first dont worry. It may just be a case of changing a few things.

Heres what i caught on my second day of fishing


I look forward to seing some fish traps! :lmao:



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 31, 2006
Who knows
that is great, your thread has inspired me to make one as i have a few places i could test and use it
i think this should be a sticky
how much wood do you need to collect, this would stop me going back and forwards from the woods


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
Brilliant job, it looks even better with the string wraps around the outside! I may try something similar myself sometime, I suppose one of those bell shaped lobster pots would be doable like this?


Aug 18, 2006
New Iberia, Louisiana USA
Nice job Jon. Maybe one day I'll get to try it out. However I think its illegal in my neck of the woods. Not sure though, I'll have to look into it. Only thing I would have done different then you is that after all that work, I would've eaten the little fishies. :D :lmao:


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