Feeling Rough


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Been feeling like **** this weekend, really couldn't be naffed to go out and about or do anything tbh, but decided i had to do something other than vegetate in front of the box or PC, so sat I down and made a few more sheaths, the bottom three are from last weekend , the top row have all been made this weekend from 3mm Veg Tan, dyed mahogany, double stitched, edged and polished, and i still feel like **** :( :(


The middle one on the top row was made out of a scrap of leather, couldn't bear to throw it away, so made a nice little sheath for my Mora Sloyd carving knife, the picture is deceptive, it fits the sloyd nice and snug and it's not as big as the picture depicts, if you look carefully you can just about see the handle poking out the top.

Now if you will excuse me, im just going to talk to god down the big white telephone in the outhouse


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Been feeling like **** this weekend, really couldn't be naffed to go out and about or do anything tbh, but decided i had to do something other than vegetate in front of the box or PC, so sat I down and made a few more sheaths, the bottom three are from last weekend , the top row have all been made this weekend from 3mm Veg Tan, dyed mahogany, double stitched, edged and polished, and i still feel like **** :( :(

Damn, if you can make 5 really nice sheaths like that in a weekend whilst feeling so sick then there's hope for me to start my first sheath yet. :)

Well done Maver and I hope you feel better soon.


Jan 16, 2007
Port Talbot
and theres me, broke the belt loop on the plastic sheath of my mora, melted four holes to take some para cord to fashion a neck carry and feel well chuffed, then i look here and see what you have done (while sick) look back at my (now feeble) attempt and feel like binnin it.
Well done really nice work there only wish i could do the same. Hope you get well soon mate.


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