Education or Unnecessary Cruelty


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
Hey Mick,

I was mostly commenting on the way the whole thing was treated as a joke, rather than the way or reasons he killed them (which were he in a real survival situation, would be valid). To encourage people to laugh at the method and think "haha, cool, bat tennis", rather than to see the scene as a potential survival skill, gnawed at me.

Who should constitute a role model is an entirely different debate. The fact is, he is, and the comments on the Youtube channel certainly suggest that many people thought it was funny, rather than a survival skill.

As I said before, I've met Bear several times and always got on well. It's not about the man, but the actions. Those actions have never made me feel like this before when watching them, which is saying something as I'm a herpetologist and the things he has done to live snakes in his programmes is very extreme. But he never took those moments as a joke and started skipping with the snake etc :240:


Feb 14, 2010
G'day Jonathan

Not having seen all his series I'll ask the following question.

Is the episode you are referring to in his most recent series?

I have seen comments about his enema episode (which I believe is in his most recent series. Please correct me if I'm wrong here).

I just wonder if his show is suffering from the same malaise of most long running "reality" shows, in so far as the producers feel the need to become more extreme to keep their viewer base?

Just some thoughts to try & understand why he would make light of what he did.

Kind regards


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
G'day Jonathan

Not having seen all his series I'll ask the following question.

Is the episode you are referring to in his most recent series?

I have seen comments about his enema episode (which I believe is in his most recent series. Please correct me if I'm wrong here).

I just wonder if his show is suffering from the same malaise of most long running "reality" shows, in so far as the producers feel the need to become more extreme to keep their viewer base?

Just some thoughts to try & understand why he would make light of what he did.

Kind regards

It is from the newest series, same one as the enema. It is obvious that the formula has become stale and repetitive in this series.

No idea why he did it. It certainly wasn't scripted or down to the producers (except their decision to keep it in). It was Bears own attitude shown during filming. It is well known that he is scared of bats and can't stand them, maybe that had some influence on his behaviour.


Full Member
Jun 18, 2008
Off the beaten track
Come on guys. Lets be serious, now we all know Bear doesnt live out when he does these shows but at the end of the day when your tired, cold and hungry you want some food and you'll be happy to be catching something. It lifts morale and you wont really be thinking about the poor little batty watty. Trust me, Ive been there. What your more worried about is getting as many bats as you can fit in your pot.


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