Cheap survival bags - sort of...


Dec 19, 2007
I am not a great one for carrying survival kit around, tending to be of the 'Plan to keep out of the s5it, keep some useful stuff in your pockets and improvise if you must' school. I do amongst other junk keep a black bin bag wrapped up with a red rubber band (provided free by the postal service !) in the pocket of my waxed cotton waistcoat - this can double as a survival bag nicely. It is also useful for putting...... well just stuff in

I have now, at minimal expense, upgraded.

SWMBO came back from Tescos with the weekly shop including a roll of bin bags. On inspection it turned out that these bags were the wrong ones, not the usual sized black bin bags we wanted but extra large wheelie bin bags. With a hole cut for my head to stick out of they come down almost to my ankles.

I think I look rather smart.

I wonder if they do them in green ?.......


Oct 19, 2008
South Coast
Just don't ever fall asleep wearing one Deeps, some well meaning soul might chuck you in the dustcart and you'll wake up on the way to the recycling centre..:D :D


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
I didn't know that the bags came in that size :) How very useful :D

Toddy........who is now wondering how much the posties fetish for red rubber bands is responsible for the price of a stamp :bluThinki There are times our street is littered with them, pity kids don't play elastic ropes anymore, we'd have loved these :rolleyes:


Mar 16, 2008
If you use a stick or staff, a simple, efficient and cheap retainer can be made by using the clamp from ID card mounts and the red Post Office elastic bands.

Obviously, the clamp may be fixed at whichever height and location you choose on the garment of your choice, in practice, you get to have your stick/staff safe and secured at the times when you need to use both hands, yet keep the stick/staff accessible and close.

It works for me!


Dec 26, 2008
I am not a great one for carrying survival kit around, tending to be of the 'Plan to keep out of the s5it, keep some useful stuff in your pockets and improvise if you must' school. I do amongst other junk keep a black bin bag wrapped up with a red rubber band (provided free by the postal service !) in the pocket of my waxed cotton waistcoat - this can double as a survival bag nicely. It is also useful for putting...... well just stuff in

I have now, at minimal expense, upgraded.

SWMBO came back from Tescos with the weekly shop including a roll of bin bags. On inspection it turned out that these bags were the wrong ones, not the usual sized black bin bags we wanted but extra large wheelie bin bags. With a hole cut for my head to stick out of they come down almost to my ankles.

I think I look rather smart.

I wonder if they do them in green ?.......

Many thanks, Deeps, something I've only ever dreamed of owning.

btw, how much are they?


Dec 22, 2008
London UK
I am not a great one for carrying survival kit around, tending to be of the 'Plan to keep out of the s5it, keep some useful stuff in your pockets and improvise if you must' school. I do amongst other junk keep a black bin bag wrapped up with a red rubber band (provided free by the postal service !) in the pocket of my waxed cotton waistcoat - this can double as a survival bag nicely. It is also useful for putting...... well just stuff in

I have now, at minimal expense, upgraded.

SWMBO came back from Tescos with the weekly shop including a roll of bin bags. On inspection it turned out that these bags were the wrong ones, not the usual sized black bin bags we wanted but extra large wheelie bin bags. With a hole cut for my head to stick out of they come down almost to my ankles.

I think I look rather smart.

I wonder if they do them in green ?.......

Are these Armani?


Jul 8, 2007
Went for a bimble one night about 2300 with a mate pitch black, made a fire, made a gorgeous stew in a Roses tin then got some kip in a sleepin bag inside one of them big orange plastic survival bags, woke up wet through with mud all over us, Turns out we was only like 5m from the main pathway of a popular but small wood, Someone had tried to bury us by the looks of it.



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