Can anyone in Devon make me a knife handle?

Jul 19, 2010
Hello forum.
I have a bit of a dilemma on my hands! Basically I have this wonderful Cold Steel Gurkha Kukri which I need re-handled, but the guy who said he was going to do it for me cannot do it until mid September. My problem is that I am going on an excursion into the Pyrenees in 3 weeks and I need this knife to take with me!
So if there is anyone in the Devon or SW area who can make a decent handle for a Kukri within the next 3 weeks please contact me! I have included a picture of the blade in its current condition for reference and I also have the original handle, albeit cut in two.
Thanks in advance.

Jul 19, 2010
Thanks Ph34r, afore mentioned Dave Budd has kindly pointed me towards the BB forum where I am talking to someone who may possibly be able to help me. Still open to any other offers though!
Jul 19, 2010
Well if someone outside of Devon can do it in time then I don't mind posting it. The only problem is I need it before the 15th of August at the latest and I am still waiting for it to be delivered from the USA. Even out of all the people in Devon I have spoken to so far mid September is the earliest anyone has offered me. If you know anyone who can do it within a week or two then please point them in my direction and I will gladly post it to them!
Thanks :)


May 26, 2008
Can i ask what type of handle you are after, i mean a more 'basic' or simple handle will take less time than a very complex one?
Not to confuse basic or simple with being lower quality - just less fiddley!
I mean are you looking at a single shaped block or one of several types of wood - or another material or bone etc etc?
Alternatively try doing one yourself - its really not hard and if you dont like it - find someone to make the handle you wanted and cut it off - no harm done.
Jul 19, 2010
Well yea basic pretty much sums it up really Tim. I don't mean simplistic, it has to be very practical as I will be relying on this blade on an 850km hike through the Pyrenees mountains next month. I need 3 things from the handle, comfort, durability and practicality. I don't need anything fancy I just want it to perform!
The guys on the British Blades forum have given me some pretty cool tips on how to fashion my own handle. Ideally I would rather have it done professionally but that doesn't seem to be possible at the moment unfortunately. :(
I am not very confident about fashioning my own handle right now but everyone keeps telling me how easy it will be so I am going to give it a go!

Everything Mac

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 30, 2009
I have put a reply up over on british blades. - I'm able to help you out should you need it.

pics are up there too.

all the best


May 26, 2008
Honestly try doing one yourself - using smaller pieces of different woods with epoxy resin gluing them together and to the tang, if you are carefull you can mark up the lanyard hole and use a small diameter section of pipe which will increase the strength. You pop this through and flare the ends making it wedge into the tunnel.
Once you have all the blocks on the tang (assuming you have a sketch of the shape you wish to end up with) get a chunky rasp - engineers or Bast#rd and file away the top and bottom then you can draw a middle line - the line of the blade down the handle and use this to keep in symetrical and shape away. With a thick blade like this you can just use a work mate to clamp the blade and work the handle in complete safety. Take it out and handle it frequently so you like the shape. once the shaping is vertually finished put the tube in for the lanyard, this may need filing down a bit. Then sand away, through the grits and oil to finish. If you want to use it immediately, while sweaty or through gloves leave some texture to the handle for grip.


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