Bushcraft dvd's

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I know I am a new boy around here and I do not want to try and teach anyone to suck eggs, but although I see mention of various Bushcraft and Survival videos I see no mention of "Birch Tree Productions" excellent "Basic Bushcraft and Survival" DVDs. At present there are 3 volumes in the series, all very watchable with good basic skills and techniques being shown, and volume 4 is in production.
I have reviewed these DVDs in a mag I write for and was/am impressed, finding them especially relavant to a novice bushcrafter.
Although I have no vested interest in the company its products or any thing, I would recommend a visit to the website - www.birchtreeproductions.co.uk.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 21, 2005
Unfortunatly I'd agree with warthog!

I wrote a review on the first one but after 10 mins of searching I still can't find it! - If i manage to track it down i'll add a link!

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Hey - it seems that you guys do not feel that these DVDs are up to much...I would agree that the style may not be to everyones taste and the production values not up to hollywood quality (things get better with later volumes) but Peters avowed intent is to make Bushcraft "available" to everyone, not just the hard-core and I still think that the colection is a cheap and easily available rescource for the novice. If Vol 1 left you cold I would only say that Vols 2&3 are better as the team become more relaxed and proficient about the filming side of things.
Obviously some of the members of BCUK are beyond wanting intro material but "low key" info like this is ideal for some novices - surely!

Simon E

Aug 18, 2006
3rd Planet from the sun
There is actually very little out there in terms of skills.

Ray obviously has the most skill in handling tools and crafting things and nearly everything he makes is a thing of beauty. (see the jerky drying rack he made on one of his DVD's on America)

The Swedish chap does a fantastic job considering its a one man band, I am surprised to be honest that some company hasnt stepped forward and financed a small crew for him

Ron Hood has some videos, I met Ron at SHOT show and I like the guy, but to be brutally honest a lot of his 'instruction' seems to be useless for us and his skills are in no way as good as Rays.

I would really like to see Lofty get some financing and produce some stuff. I only saw the Google Video of Duncan Dares, but I really enjoyed his style, bags of info in a really down to earth way.

Failing that, I would like to see Ray or his staff from Woodlore put a DVD together on actual skills rather than 30 mins on the history of something out of an hour long show.

Does this qualify as a rant? :eek:

Fallow Way

Nov 28, 2003
Staffordshire, Cannock Chase
I have to agree with certain comments already I`m afraid. I was sent a copy of the Birth Tree Productions DVD as a joke as the person sending them could not believe how bad they were.

It was with a note saying "you will shout in horror, and I know exactly when". He was right. Sticking his knife straight into the ground, (and from the looks of it a micarta woodlore or similar. not a rusty old penknife). There was also the ridiculous amount of stuff he carried, that rucksack is the same size I take to the Arctic. The skill in using the various plants was also to be desired.

The last thing that worried my is that its filmed in my back yard and knowing Cannock Chase like I do, and the staff that manage it, I would be shocked if they had given permission for fires, especially being cleared away so poorly.

I think on the whole they are very poor, and the buscraft that underpins it is lacking.

To give yourself the term "bushcraft expert" takes a lot of confidence, "novice" would suit this chap better.

This is of course all personal opinion.



Jul 18, 2004
Newbury, Berks, UK
The right up in Combat and Survival Magazine [shame] gave them a nod in the right direction - OK, so it's not the most reliable of sources for advice on Bushcraft matters - but given the comments above - specifically g4ghb's review - I'm intregued as to how C&S got it so wrong!

John Dixon

May 2, 2006
I didnt enjoy the first film it lacked content and the quality of the presentation was not doing it any favours, i have yet to see the other productions, but alas i am not keen on investing becauase of the quality of the series launch.

I have connections with a small filming company and have made various films for my own buisness. If any of you would like to take a leap and particapate in a film i am intersted in supporting the venture, PM me.. :confused:

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Yep thats me!
Thanks for tha comments but they have taken my column out and my stuff is now spread around the mag in various places - write and complain to the editor if you liked my column!


Full Member
Jul 16, 2006
John I have all four of the collection bought for me by my wife, bless her - trying her best to understand my values!!
I have got to say I was not too impressed, it seems to me that he tries to imitate the main man 'RM'.
Sorry mate but this is only my opinion!!

Mikey P

Full Member
Nov 22, 2003
Glasgow, Scotland
OK, I've done a search on the site to see if there are any threads on this already, but - suprisingly - I couldn't find one. Therefore, I don't feel like a biff asking this question now:

I recently bought a couple of DVDs from Birchtree Productions called 'Basic Bushcraft & Survival'. They are made by a guy called Peter Gawleta and his wife, Julie. However, I have never seen a review of these DVDs on this site and there is only one small mention in a thread.

Is there some unwritten code I don't know about that means these DVDs are not discussed, or is it just that hardly anyone has seen them?

If anyone wants to know more, the website is:

For the record, I am quite enjoying them and am happy to write a review for the site 'Review' section if people are interested.

"I have no live rounds, pyrotechnics, or empty cases in my possess..."

Oh, hang on, wrong declaration :eek: . Here we go:

''I am not related to, and have no financial interest in, Birchtree Productions. I don't know Pete Gawleta or his wife, or any of their families. And have never met his dog."

That should do. Heh-heh :D


Mar 5, 2005
It was mentioned a few times here. But a search just threw up this thread:*
People weren’t very complimentary about it. I watched the first one and I think it is ok if you bear in mind that it is basically a home movie. Why not post your review?

(By the way the system won't allow you to do a search for a 3 letter word like "axe" or DVD so just type in axe* instead.)

John Dixon

May 2, 2006
I saw the first one and found it entertaining, maybe not for the content but the presentation style and the filming skills, i did think it was not worth a tenner. but it was the first attempt.......

Are the other productions better, good, ok????

there has been other reviews of it but i cant recall what the thread was called..

Tell us what you think?


Feb 3, 2007
Me too, I have all 4 dvds and Peter assures me that there will be a fith but they have no idea yet of the contents, I am still awaiting word if they intend doing an advanced set in the future......

Hope they do.


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