Bushcraft Bargains...Part 4

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Sold pending funds and another waiting so....sold!

An interesting an unusual item for your interest and entertainment here to feed the "Red has bitten off more than he can chew in new product development".

However, my loss ....your gain :eek:

This is a "Lofty Wiseman" Survival knife. All I can say is that this knife is a Beast of a bladed implement! A huge heavy bladed knife that I bought for review purposes

This knife weighs 885g - do I like it? Well I wanted to hate it. It was featured in my "chop off" article trying to settle the " is there a place for a large knife in Bushcraft?" debate. Sadly, I had to conclude, if what you want to do is build shelters, split small fallen wood, cut thatch and have one knife to "do it all" then...yes - there is!

A copy of the article was given to Lofty himself - I hope he enjoyed it!

In any case, there are very few places that sell this knife now - and, none I suspect that sell it in this configuration. If you want to know about this knife - look here


This knife is in a leather sheath though, with a "non reflective" coating :rolleyes:

Is it mint? Nope! Here's a picture


I have used the knife (hard) on a few occasions. I doubt this has impacted its lifetime, but if you want a mint one, this isn't it!

However, its been re-sharpened by me to "sharper than it came" state, but the non-reflective coating shows the fact :rolleyes:

So if reflections may give away your AO to the MZBs, forget it. If you want to experience a facinating bit of lateral thinking and a "survival" classic - this is your puppy!

£75 to your door!

First PM gets it!


British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Sorry Phil - all gone - a few more items to come as soon as I get this weeks lot get posted this weekend though :(

Gotta stop developing new stuff! Its a game for companies - not people!



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.