Bush Chair

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Those who know me know that I like making things - even if I have no idea about the tools, techniques and materials for making them with!
The latest proof of this is my "Bush Chair"...
Made from bits of wood I had about the place (cherry[?] and hazel) the chair was made a little smaller in hight and seat area than a dining chair (due to the sizes of wood I had) and is made by drilling holes partway through the uprights, with my grandfathers old Brace and Bit (which I do not think has been sharpened since 1914!), whittling the cross pieces to fit, glueing them in place then nailing through the uprights, the nails acting as wedges to expand (and in places split) the cross members. The uprights were tensioned diagonally to give extra strength....
All the joints were then lashed with paracord (from a real parachute) to stop the splits extending, the lashings glued with PVA and the whole thing oiled with Danish and linseed oil mix and the endgrain also coated in hot beeswax to stop water ingress...
The leather was some I had kicking about looking for a project to be used on, and this was eyeleted and laced into place with paracord.
The result may be a little over-engineered but is quite comfy, not too heavy and should look more in keeping around the ol' campfire than my old garden chair (which is falling apart anyway).
The mark II will have a higher back for the support needed when Captain Morgan or an errant Grouse nick my ability to sit up straight!

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
As the old joke goes...."Parachute going at rock bottom price - no strings attached to this bargain"
My parachute is NOT for sale - hopefully it will give us some shelter at the Brecon meet!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.