Birch Paddle

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
About 5 years ago, I thought I would have a go at making a canoe paddle. I found a piece of birch that had been felled and set to with the s.f.a.

I had little idea as to what the paddle should look like and wasn't really bothered too much as it was just an axe training piece. The paddle was ok but it split a few months after finishing so it was discarded for quite a while, to languish in the depths of the garage.

I dug it out a few times for the Forest Festival as a demo piece and even used it to have a go at kolrosing.
Anyway, with the purchase of my canoe I thought I would see if I could get any use out of my homemade. I haven't tried it yet but I've been re shaping the shaft a bit and gave it a couple of coats of varnish. Anyway I thought some of you might like to have a look and see what you can do with just an axe and a frosts mora. ( of course have spent hours sanding etc:D )

it's way too short in the shaft but I'll see how the blade feels and have another go later in the year.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
By Eck RB!
That is a beauty - pitty about the split - you are a real artist!
My first attempt at making a paddle was of the broomstick and plywood school, off cuts from my canoe making, stuck together with epoxy....I still have it, it is still ugly as sin and it still works!
I just discovered some dry rot on my stitch and tape ply canoe, up near the gunnels, so there are only a few trips left in the old the paddle may well out last the canoe!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
Whitehaven Cumbria
RB that is pure class I love the detail work can we have more pics of the pattern

My first attempt at making a paddle was of the broomstick and plywood school, off cuts from my canoe making, stuck together with epoxy....I still have it, it is still ugly as sin and it still works!

That sounds like what we made when I was scout for the county raft race.

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
RB that is pure class I love the detail work can we have more pics of the pattern

That sounds like what we made when I was scout for the county raft race.

thanks everyone, it's a heavy lump and very crude the detail is pants as it really was just a "suck it and see" experiment.
When I did the kolrosing, I ground up a bit of very dead (nearly soil!:D) , dark brown,inner birch bark on some 400grit wet and dry and then rubbed it in to the pattern I had cut into the wood. I just copied the fish and knot designs from a book then improvised the rest. If I do it again, I'll set out my design on paper first, then trace it onto the wood.
I fancy a go at a couple of cherry paddles but I think I'll buy some seasoned timber for them, to avoid the risk of splits.

best I can do at the moment:

it's not very neat but the technique is fascinating.
Thanks again


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