Ash Bark Container


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Following this thread that was started by Millus2 about bark containers, member Androo commented on a post i made about Ash Bark Containers, so here you go mate, one i made a start on this afternoon.



I collected the bark off of a fairly large diameter Ash tree yesterday when i was out and about with Hugo & RM, when i got home i put the bark in water to stop it drying out, this afternoon when i got home, i scored an ellipse on the mid point of the bark and carefully folded the sides up and then stitched the sides using garden twine for the time being, i dont have any other suitable cordage - yet, i have left the score line fairly narrow on this one as i wanted to retain as much of the outer bark as possible, the big problem with doing this with Ash bark is it is brittle and can split if you are not careful when bending the sides up, normally, i score the bend line and then scrape away the outer bark about half and inch each side of the line as this makes the bark more mailable.


While the bark dries off a tad i have a tin of baked beans in the neck of the container so it will retain it's shape, then at some point in the next few days or so i will add a rim of Hazel to the neck of the container for strength, once done i will go over all of the joins and folds with pine pitch to seal it all up and make it look pretty

More pics to follow in the near future on it progress


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
cheers chaps, just need to put the rim on and wait for the wild Strawberries in a few weeks time:)


Dec 8, 2010
Wow, I'm honoured!
That is indeed very interesting and nice work (as usual). I guess that with the variety of Ash bark texture one piece of bark might be more flexible than another?
What have you found makes for 'Good Ash Bark Container' bark?
How about younger Ash bark? Say, 4-8" Diameter? I might just have to have an experiment...or 2!

I'm looking forward to your updates :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I usually make these -- they are often called berry baskets -- from aspen with spruce root bindings. Great for those "what a find, how do I get all those berries home" moments (assuming you can get away with killing a tree). I've seen them made from both birch and spruce as well. With a rim (I use split willow or thick spruce root) they will last surprisingly long.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I love this kind of basket - I have made them from Hazel, willow, Birch and Cherry before now and mainly in small sizes. Several act as containers for such things as Oak Galls, flint microlith blanks and even incense sticks in my living room.
The bark you have there looks good and thick for an extended life :)


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
I usually make these -- they are often called berry baskets -- from aspen with spruce root bindings. Great for those "what a find, how do I get all those berries home" moments (assuming you can get away with killing a tree). I've seen them made from both birch and spruce as well. With a rim (I use split willow or thick spruce root) they will last surprisingly long.

You shouldn't kill the tree if you only take a section of bark big enough to do the job, unless you are taking a big piece for a big container of course, it only kills it if you ring bark it, i could take you to some other trees where i harvested bark and show you where i took the bark from and how the tree has started to heal itself over.

The rim on this one will be split hazel bound on with sisal/hemp string ie garden twine


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
I love this kind of basket - I have made them from Hazel, willow, Birch and Cherry before now and mainly in small sizes. Several act as containers for such things as Oak Galls, flint microlith blanks and even incense sticks in my living room.
The bark you have there looks good and thick for an extended life :)

Cheers John, the bark on this is about 1/8" thick so should last a good while


Full Member
Feb 14, 2012
The Netherlands
Looks stunning Kepis, I was wondering how sturdy it was though, is a nice basket to carry along with you, or can you even throw it in the pack of a rough carrier like me ^^ I really like the look of it too never saw anything like it, and would have figured as for some reason the texture always seems to say its fragile to me.
Yours sincerely Ruud
Great stuff Kepis


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Looks stunning Kepis, I was wondering how sturdy it was though, is a nice basket to carry along with you, or can you even throw it in the pack of a rough carrier like me ^^ I really like the look of it too never saw anything like it, and would have figured as for some reason the texture always seems to say its fragile to me.
Yours sincerely Ruud
Great stuff Kepis

Thanks Ruud,

Im just finishing the rim off on it, well in between getting all my stuff sorted for the show im doing this weekend.

These are quite strong, but only when the rim is added, i dont think id like to put one in a pack though, maybe on the outside though, will get some more pics later


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Got the hazel rim added today, although you cant see it int he picture therer are two rims, one inner and one outer



Justr need to tidy it up and add the pine pitch to the seams and it will be done


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I've once made a waterproof flask in this style. Fold it down closer, into a triangular bottle, around a stopper. Wrap with some cordage. Then seal woth PPG (pine pitch glue). Actually works, even if there is little use in Sweden to carry around water in the woods.


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
not tried that Sam, but might give it a go, the wood yard over the back of home is normally full of the stuff and it only gets burned up now and again


Dec 8, 2010
Inspired me you have Kepis! Thread coming up, just wanted to ask, the looks like green hazel and I guess that it would be mighty difficult to make the rim out of dried Hazel or Willow, did you use it green?


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
exactly that, green hazel, taken very thin and soaked for 24 hours prior to use to make it more plaible, you could steam/keep it in hot water it to make it pliable as well which doesnt take very long at all.

Glad you found the thread of use.


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