Anyone up for some demonstrating?


Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
After our recent successful meet at Eglinton Park in Ayrshire, the ranger who did our nature walk/talk was so impressed by the group that after chatting with her bosses, has asked if any of you good folks would like to help out on a special open day being held by them in the near future, beginning of next month I think they're aiming at. They were very impressed by our "leave no trace" ethic and by the knowledge of the countryside and plant knowledge and have actually commented on how clean the sight was left, with no scorch marks even with a fire going the whole time. Would anybody like to join me to run perhaps a stall or two doing some demonstrations for the public and trying to raise awareness of our hobby in Joe Public's mind. Perhaps shelter building, campfire cooking, hammocking, fire lighting, maybe a bit of carving, anything at all. We would be able to advertise the site and maybe even raise some funds by selling stuff, or maybe makers coming along and selling their wares. They have'nt said how many can attend but have set no limits as yet. So is anybody interested in coming along to help me set something up for this?


Jun 5, 2007
After our recent successful meet at Eglinton Park in Ayrshire, the ranger who did our nature walk/talk was so impressed by the group that after chatting with her bosses, has asked if any of you good folks would like to help out on a special open day being held by them in the near future, beginning of next month I think they're aiming at. They were very impressed by our "leave no trace" ethic and by the knowledge of the countryside and plant knowledge and have actually commented on how clean the sight was left, with no scorch marks even with a fire going the whole time. Would anybody like to join me to run perhaps a stall or two doing some demonstrations for the public and trying to raise awareness of our hobby in Joe Public's mind. Perhaps shelter building, campfire cooking, hammocking, fire lighting, maybe a bit of carving, anything at all. We would be able to advertise the site and maybe even raise some funds by selling stuff, or maybe makers coming along and selling their wares. They have'nt said how many can attend but have set no limits as yet. So is anybody interested in coming along to help me set something up for this?

More than willing to help you out Sniper. Not sure what exactly I can do as of yet, but we can work that out later on.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
If I'm not already working elsewhere then I'll help out too. No idea what I'd do, but I'll help one way or another :D



Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
Just got confirmation on this today. It's being held on the 6th June and runs from 2.00 till 4.00. My idea is, because it's only for a couple of hours maybe just setting up a hammock and tarp and a basic camp area that we can show people. Maybe some fire lighting methods, and maybe some camp cooking for folks to taste, bannock for instance and if I can get hold of some rabbits maybe even some rabbit stew in a dutch oven for folks to try. I have a feeling that squirrel may not go down too well with many "townies".
Any other suggestions?


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Well the usuals for demonstrating are, food, fibres, dyes, medicines, fire. Hannocks and tarps would be good too. Flintknapping, woodcarving, leatherworking

So, firelighting,,,,,,,followed by cooking squirrel, rabbit, roadkill.....;)

Fibres and dyes make a good display but apart from talking to folks there's not much hands on........suppose I could bring a pack of plumbers hemp to augemnt the nettles for folk to try.
Everyone loves having a go at trying to make fire. :cool:
Unless the rangers are covering public liability then probably no to feeding folks or suggesting herbal remedies.

How about we put up the parachute and set up under that ? It looks pretty cool :)

Just ideas.


p.s. Sorry Stephen, that came out a bit harsh, it's just that we happily feed each other but feeding the public is one of the nono's that got drummed into me from doing so many events. We can show them though :cool:


Life Member
.....p.s. Sorry Stephen, that came out a bit harsh, it's just that we happily feed each other but feeding the public is one of the nono's that got drummed into me from doing so many events. We can show them though :cool:
Not at all, I didn't even think about public liability :eek: :cop: :argue: :eek: That mean we sit there eating Johns bunny stew and telling the public how good it is :D ? :ban:

:lmao: Couldn't resist.



May 19, 2005
We would be more than willing to help out too John, dunno what with, but if we can help in any way, kust give us a shout



Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Pretty much :D

Well, Liz has her public hygiene certificates and the like.

John, how about seeing if Liz will cook ? Donations go to the Red Cross ?

If she is allowed to sell her Farmer's Market stuff so much the better. :approve:

Might be a bit much though with the new house and the flitting though. :dunno:



Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
Sounds good to me Mary, shame it's only a couple of hours so I reckon whatever we do it'll have to be basic simple and quick to keep the audience attention. The smell of the cooking will hopefully have folks drooling for a taste, but you probably right by not handing out samples. Camp set up, fire, cordage, and maybe ask Tom to do a bit more o thon porny pyrography like he has on his kuksa :naughty: (sorry Tam) and whatever else you can think of. Maybe Nag could help with some hammock and tarp demos eh Mark?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 2, 2003
Just some hints on bushcraft displays, I've been doing them for around 4 years now.

I'm doing demo's for my local council this year and the amount of red tape is laughable, but to give you an idea what to expect if working with your council/school etc. (I should point out, this is just Demo to watch no hands on stuff)

Some tips for teaching friction firelighting to the public:
(for anyone reading the thread)

friction fire-lighting is my "bread and butter",
the good thing is you can speed up or slow down the whole process to make a display last 5mins or up to 20 if there is a crowd asking questions.
the crowds love it, kids love the fire, a monirity of the crowd will be secretly willing you to fail (I've had boxes of matches and lighters chucked towards me!
The others want you to succeed:D .
make sure you rest between bow drill demo's, I did 20 in a day once, the last few embers were lucky!
take spares, a Boss I worked for a few years ago arrived to demo bow drill without his bow! and had to run off into a bush to make one!:lmao::lmao:
weather, it might rain, at least take a tarp to cover your gear.

Keep it "low brow"!
(the amount of people I've said "I teach Bushcraft" and their instant response is "witchcraft?", they haven't heard of Ray Mears so I say "like survival". Their response is nearly always "oh so you eat worms then?")always assume they know nothing!

kids they won't be interested in the wood, bow, or any Gucci kit you have,
a zebra billy looks like a tin can
a £200 hand made knife from norway, looks like a knife
a Gransfors axe, looks like an axe
children don't have money to buy stuff like that, and wouldn't be allowed to use it anyway why would they be interested?
also "showing off" how sharp your knife is etc is only going to get you black looks from concerned parents! (carving, using the knife sensibly as a tool is different).

again, think of it like a child would...
who would make a fire like this?
what grows on hazel trees?
and what is friction?
why am I blowing the ember?

Be professional, and be realistic, can you teach bow drill all day? can you get a coal every time? do a demo in front of your friends get them to be very critical find out your weak areas!

you will need a police check for the group you're working with(not a previous job).
you will need public liability insurance (mine is £5'000'000) which sounds a lot but is quite normal.
expect to "toe-the-line" they want me to have a fireblanket, I've never used one and don't intend to, but they want it, so I'm having one (my bucket of water will do the trick!;).

The "Dog/toddler" problem they are your wost enemy, as they act randomly/and dangerously so I use a fence around my area (basically there are a lot of "rough" kids and potentially loose dogs) I have to be safe! if doing a fire demo, be ready to cover it in an instant if you need to!

expect some things to be issued to you
I'm even being issued a "security guard" sounds bizarre but it's what the council says is needed. something to do with the 4000 children expected every day (apparently some of the kids will want to join in)!:eek: :theyareon

when selling the idea expect them not to know anything about "Bushcraft" I aproached the council with my ideas they loved the idea but a boss higher up thought that Friction firelighting could be teaching kids arson!
a lot of thought went onto my argument "for's and against's", credentials help, but a video and pictures of myself demonstrating sold the deal.

have a "Plan B" if you can't get a coal for what ever reason, and the public will kindly point it out, have a plan of escape, start to demo a different method like a fire steel.

and lastly, know that you won't get a coal every time, you're only human!:rolleyes:


Nov 4, 2006
Peebles, Scotland
Just had a look and the event is in the calendar as "Courtyard Encounter – World Environment Day. Green crafts, organisations and ideas to help reduce your carbon footprint."

Also on Saturday/Sunday is "Prestwick Dog Agility Show".


Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
All good stuff Rapp thanks for the tips, I think this is the first time we have ever been invited to something like this, and if it goes well maybe not the last.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.