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  1. RonW

    Visiting Norway and Sweden - Advice requested

    Yes, you'll find yourself quite busy exploring the Norwegian part, I can guarantee you.
  2. RonW

    Open invitation arctic meet 2017

    Ok, serious hick up in my planning here. When I proposed the date from the 11th - 17th, I used the dates given for the 2017 holiday calendar. However.... authorities here were kind enough to change that now to week 9; 27-2 until 3-3. That means my son might not get permission to skip school...
  3. RonW

    Visiting Norway and Sweden - Advice requested

    If you only have 7 days, skip Sweden, enjoy the parts of Norway thoroughly and come back for Sweden another time. Seriously. I think you will find that even 7 days for the area of Norway you described to be far too little time. Don't rush and race around that much. You'll miss all the good stuff.
  4. RonW

    Gunked up SAK

    A bath in good old coca cola should solve many of the problems.
  5. RonW

    Open invitation arctic meet 2017

    Define Midlands. Is there an airport in the area? And would that be during or after the summer?
  6. RonW

    To all the keen gardeners

    Not just crop rotation, but companion planting as well.
  7. RonW

    G'day :)

    Hi Romi, how are you?
  8. RonW

    Swedish m59 boots

    I have them and use them only during what we call vårvinter, the time when the snow and ice melts. I like the full leather ones a lot better, but when you're walking through melting snow and slush all day the rubber coating is top! These boots are very big. Buy yours 2 sizes too small and you...
  9. RonW

    Open invitation arctic meet 2017

    Took me 45 minutes to erect on my own. First time I saw one i.r.l.
  10. RonW

    Open invitation arctic meet 2017

  11. RonW

    Camping in our new woods.

    That's the way! Sounds like everyone was pleased.
  12. RonW


    Any idea how warm it is? I need one for my son, when we go up to the Sarek national park in Sweden in february.
  13. RonW

    What does Bushcraft mean to you?

    Now let's see..... At first bushcraft was a means to get away from modern day life, as I suspect it is for many of us. Away from the concrete and into the green. Then it became a way of life, away from hitech, resource guzzling, drowned in debt society into a much more modest set, manual and...
  14. RonW

    Sometimes I REALLY love Sweden

    It all sounds quite familiar.... except for the hammock thing.
  15. RonW

    Arctic Fur Ruffs

    yes please!!
  16. RonW

    Open invitation arctic meet 2017

    Maybe we should ask the previous group(s) for advice? Looks like we are in a natural reserve, so gathering wood might prove extra difficult.
  17. RonW

    Open invitation arctic meet 2017

    They do not go near the livingroom fireplace, when it is burning, but it will require some additional training for sure! Constructive criticism or advice is never wrong in my eyes. You have a good deal of valid points, so thanks! Of course more people are welcome to share our tent, if they do...
  18. RonW

    Open invitation arctic meet 2017

    Well, the choice was sort of dictated by some requirements I had: 1) it had to have enough room for the group I'd probably/hopefully be taking along; 4 adults (well, 1 almost), 2 large dogs and all the stuff + a stove. 2) it had to be sturdy and durable (dogproof mainly) 3) it has to be useable...
  19. RonW

    Open invitation arctic meet 2017

    Nope, that's a patrulltält 8; an 8 person tent. Mine's a bit bigger and has a woodstove. There'd be room enough for everyone attending so far.
  20. RonW

    Mad Idea.

    Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! The idea, the execution AND the image! That is something I'd love to hang on a wall, wallsize.