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  1. Fenlander

    There must be an angel.........

    Cheers guys :) This is one of the first ones i made.... [/IMG] The fruit's made from babybell cheese wax ;)
  2. Fenlander

    There must be an angel.........

    With Christmas fast approaching I thought I'd make a "cattail doll" angel for the tree.... [/IMG] I used Reed Mace (Typha Latifolia) leaves to make the doll and Common Reed (Phragmites australis) seed heads for the wings.
  3. Fenlander

    Bushcraft or Old Fashioned Camping?

    There has been a lot of reference to Mors and his book "Northern Bushcraft" in this thread. Mors has produced a series of booklets subsequent to Northern Bushcraft, during the last ten years. One of those is "The Two Kilogram Survival Kit Field manual" and I thought people might be interested...
  4. Fenlander

    Cheers Fenlander

    I've had a good luck for your spoon Jason, but couldn't find it :( Maybe that'll be a project for you at the weekend ;)
  5. Fenlander

    Best cordage material

    :o Ooooops....correction added.
  6. Fenlander

    Ask me Questions

    This is a butterfly and this is a moth Moth :p
  7. Fenlander

    Best cordage material

    Here's a list of what I have used in no particular order..... Inner stem of Stinging Nettle (Ooooops.....that should read outer stem) :o Blunt flowered Rush leaves Grass stems and leaves Bindweed Inner bark of Lime Inner bark of Willow Reed Mace leaves Outer stem of Rhubarb (you get...
  8. Fenlander

    What can you do without?

    The forum certainly does seem to be dominated by kit chatter these days. A knife for me is just a tool used to achieve a required result, be it a shelter or tooth pick. I still carry more kit than I need :rolleyes: , but rarely carry kit i don't use. Whenever I'm out now, whether...
  9. Fenlander

    What can you do without?

    Nicely put Fire Starter :You_Rock_ Let's hope it's a popular thread :)
  10. Fenlander

    what kinda fungi

    Sounds a bit like Wood Blewit to me Wood Blewit
  11. Fenlander

    Calling all knappers – URGENT REQUEST

    I have just phoned John lord and he is going to email you ;)
  12. Fenlander

    Cheers Fenlander

    No sign of your spoon though :o
  13. Fenlander

    Cheers Fenlander

    Just found it in the parachute bag :confused:
  14. Fenlander

    Photography in the frozen north?

    I too will be in Northern Sweden at the end of January, at Jokkmokk :) In Canada in February this year (where temperatures were as low as -40) I used a cheap digital camera which runs on AA batteries. Batteries will discharge very quickly in the extreme cold, so I kept both the camera and...
  15. Fenlander

    making a saami knife info

    Leon my handle is not simetrical.......just work with the shape of the materials you've used. That's part of what makes it special. Think about what you do or don't like about your clipper handle. Incorporate the bits you do like and think how you can change the bits you don't.
  16. Fenlander

    Cheers Fenlander

    Nice one mate :lmao:
  17. Fenlander

    Cheers Fenlander

    It's not the hat that make'th the man Jason :p
  18. Fenlander

    Cheers Fenlander

    Yep. It's large enough for a bough bed and with a silver survival blanket in the top and a piece of polythene over the front, it should perform like Mors' "Super shelter"
  19. Fenlander

    Cheers Fenlander

    Congrat's on your 300th post :headbang:
  20. Fenlander

    Cheers Fenlander

    [/IMG] I shall say no mor.....s! :D