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  1. walker

    Plastic free camping

    I wasn't making a statement, just a little known bit of info on the carrier bag . I don't use carrier bags as always have my own
  2. walker

    Plastic free camping

    Isn't that what husbands are for
  3. walker

    Plastic free camping

    The guy who invented the plastic carrier bag did so to create a reusable bag as we were felling way to much forest to supply the demand for wood to make paper for bags
  4. walker

    Swap for something else

    Now put up for sale
  5. walker


    cut the bottom out of my Flexi stove so I can fit a trangia under the cup. Not tried this outside yet though, I've a feeling the air holes let too much wind through
  6. walker


  7. walker


    Been out with my Flexi stove today got the water hot enough for coffee but not a rolling boil , photo in out and about
  8. walker

    Swap for something else

    Would make a nice bushcraft handbag for the ladies
  9. walker

    Varusteleka - the strange surplus shop from Finland

    I've bought from these guys a few times , there excellent service and good prices make them well worth using. In fact I can't recommend them enough
  10. walker


    Just looked at there website . Blankets look good and warm
  11. walker

    water bottles and water

    Another vote for the humangear capcap
  12. walker

    Dartmoor today

    Day off work so had a wet walk over Dartmoor, still beautiful
  13. walker

    Vintage rucksack hip belt replacement

    What about a Alice pack frame hip belt
  14. walker

    Thermos: Stanley Neverleak Travel mug (0.47 ltr)

    I use Stanley flasks at work ,much better than the thermos brand
  15. walker

    Hello from the South West

    Hello and welcome. Also in the south west, was going out with the trailer this weekend but washout so probably be summer now. Hope you enjoy your time here
  16. walker

    water bottles and water

    Good enough for bear Grylls
  17. walker

    water bottles and water

  18. walker

    Cuts in difficult places!

    Use a normal plaster but snip it so it folds to shape
  19. walker

    aluminium water bottles for carrying fuel?!

    Use them for target practice
  20. walker


    Checked the internet today , yep still on sale readily