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  1. stevec seems less and less populated nowadays.. :(

    Oh and the idea of a beginners section is ace, I'll need to go there try and remember all the stuff I've forgotten
  2. stevec seems less and less populated nowadays.. :(

    Toddy, I'm not the biggest poster in the world but I do like to share and contribute if I can, my problem is too many forums (fora?) Not enough time :) I was good though I just posted about the alpkit cook sale :)
  3. stevec

    Alpkit heads up

    Alpkit have a cook wear sale on, or they did last week. Not sure how long it will run for, but if you want some cheaper ti pots etc might be worth a look. I got a 400ml cup and hanging chain thing for use on a fire. Atb Steve
  4. stevec seems less and less populated nowadays.. :(

    Personally the upgrade was good for me as I tend to use my phone, and the old version didn't seem to have a mobile friendly version. I've been here a while and was on equipped before I found bcuk. I don't post much, but I enjoy reading all the stuff on here and contribute when I feel I have...
  5. stevec

    Longstrider, Longstrider, wherefore art thou Lonsgstrider.

    Edge matters, he's on there. As to whether or not he's sharpening again I don't know
  6. stevec

    Who sell camp fire reflector ovens in the UK?

    whilst its not a reflector oven its a bbq, being shiny stainless might help and it should be a simple enough mod...
  7. stevec

    British Blades

    Bb was good, but I'm happy to be on edge matters. What I think is a big shame is the loss of the tutorials
  8. stevec

    Trying out any new cooking gear this year?

    Playing with my honey stove at lunchtime. Discovered I need to move the grate up one maybe two notches when using a small (7 small) handful of charcoal brickettes from pound land. Used pocket stove and speedster burner to heat moka pot. That worked well.
  9. stevec

    A bit of upcycling.

    Cool fly swat. I too have an electric swat. Tried it on a bluebottle the other day, it has enough juice to generate sparks and cause smoke to issue from the unfortunate recipient of my attention so I guess its alright. I did a bit of upcycling myself recently, I've been getting old 13amp plugs...
  10. stevec

    Trip Report Well, it felt like ages, back out though for a hang...

    Hi Chris, what is the inflatable lantern that you use please?
  11. stevec

    Aldi down and feather bags

    Bit of heads up, aldi selling down sleeping bags, 40 sovs, 1kg, 2 season. Small pack size. Haven't tried one and have no affiliation. Caveat emptor, but worth a shot perhaps?
  12. stevec

    Moved To The South Yorkshire Area

    You may want to look into England mid meets, rough close and north wood for example
  13. stevec

    HELP - Ticks everywhere

    "skito-stop" from nikwax(possibly) is permethrin based, you could do the bin bag thing, take the spray head off the bottle and pour it in and give it a good mosh about, that would have the benifits of killing the little blighters and proofing your tent from them for next time. hope it gets...
  14. stevec

    Refugee from BB

    hello mate, hope you like it here!
  15. stevec

    Knife snobbery

    Use what you have and are comfortable using, I'm currently on holiday and have taken a sak for general use, tin and bottle opener and corkscrew cause you never know what utensils are going to be like and a manly comrade for food prep. Yes I could have taken any number of other cooks knives or...
  16. stevec


    Alright there matey, nice to see you here. Hope you enjoy it and post more than me! Although British blades got in the way for many year. :)
  17. stevec

    The iconic Mountain Laurel Designs TRAILSTAR.

    As a guess, click 'edit post' then change the title on post 1 of course
  18. stevec

    It's a quarter past 5 and I'm off into the woods...

    Liked you video, looks like you found a nice spot
  19. stevec

    New book - The Walkers Guide to Outdoor Clues and Signs

    Picked up a new book on Thursday, 'the walkers guide to outdoor clues and signs' I'm only 75 odd pages in, seems quite good so far, lots of working out direction at the moment.