Search results

  1. P@ul

    Favourite Lenes

    The lens I use most is my Pentax A 400mm f5.6 so I will list it as my favourite.
  2. P@ul

    Access problems at work

    I'm sure your right, just can't understand why its only happened in the last few weeks. I was hoping that if enough people had the same problem it may be looked into. Thanks for the prompt reply.
  3. P@ul

    Access problems at work

    For the last 2/3 weeks I have been unable to access this site from my PC at work. All I get on the screen is "blocked", I assume that the security program at work is seeing a key word that it won't allow. Is any body else having similar problems?:confused:
  4. P@ul


    That gives me some encouragement, I have been looking for the last week with no luck and was begining to think that there wasn't any in Sussex. Must look harder:)
  5. P@ul

    Tree fungus ID help

    Hi Addo, It was growing on some dead birch. Thanks for the ID, it was the wavey edge that confused me.
  6. P@ul

    Tree fungus ID help

    Out looking for tinder fungus today and found this. I've had a search around but not that easy when your not sure of the name. Thanks Paul
  7. P@ul

    Oval firesteels

    Kit arrived this morning :) but its raining :( Glad I managed to get the kit, nice little bag to keep it all together, Thanks Eric for all your work. Paul
  8. P@ul

    Oval firesteels

    Eric, If I have counted the posts properly I believe I am still in time for a firesteel. If you are able to make me up a kit that would be great but if not I would be happy with just the steel. Thanks Paul
  9. P@ul

    Screensaver not working

    Is any one else having problems with there BCUK screensaver? Mine tries to download but displays the error message "script tags missing". I am unable to find a link so I that I can reinstall the screensaver and was wondering if perhaps it is unavailable at the moment due to the new site. Any...
  10. P@ul


    Hi, I brought the Nanok 0 'C from them a few months ago, all brand new and tagged. As all ready mentioned good kit and worth a lot more than the asking price. Paul
  11. P@ul

    Happy Birthday

  12. P@ul

    Sleeping Bags

    I'll second that, got mine last week. I havn't had a chance to use it yet but well pleased with the quality. Paul
  13. P@ul

    I seem to be backwards?

    Hi, click on user CP, top left of your screen. Click on Edit Options under the heading "Setting & options" and then scroll down until you come to the "thread display options" where you have several options on how the threads are displayed. Hope this helps, Paul
  14. P@ul

    Tengu Learns the Hard Way

    Glad to hear your OK, a painfull lesson Ouch!! Paul
  15. P@ul

    Firesteel Blank Group Buy.

    Cheers Phil also received mine today, now all I have to do is think of a competition winning handle :eek: Paul
  16. P@ul

    Nalgene bottles for UK Meths storage?

    Not sure if this is the same bottle but in the link that Bardster supplied they have MSR fuel bottles but say "MSR fuel bottles are unlined. They are fine for use with white gas, Coleman Fuel, petrol and parafin (kerosene), but are not suitable for methylated spirits. " Paul
  17. P@ul

    Nalgene bottles for UK Meths storage?

    Faff, I don't think this is the right link. :confused: Paul
  18. P@ul

    Leatherwork Starter Kit

    Sounds like a good title for a Group buy :D I will follow this thread with interest as I would also like to try my hand at some leather work. Paul
  19. P@ul

    On ebay now, just bought one

    What are you getting for you money? Looks to me as if its the tripod + hanging grill, but I could be wrong. Paul
  20. P@ul

    Three Against the Wilderness

    Thanks Silverback for the recomendation. I have just ordered a copy. :D Paul