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    Victorinox Hunter preblem...

    I ruined my hunters main knife blade by stupidly batoning with it. Now when I close it, the blade is not fully closed and is open about an inch of where it should be. When I close it fully, it just springs back up to this position, I think the spring mechanism's broke. Is there any way of...
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    What to do...

    Well, I find myself browsing this forum and watching bushcrafty videos on youtube more than I actually DO bushcraft activities. Ive nothin to do today so what can I do around the house or in the garden??
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    Shooting rabbits with shotgun?

    I'm getting my gun lisence soon and I'll be using my grandads shotgun. Just wondering if its ok to shoot rabbit with a shotgun or would it just destroy it and blow it to pieces. My areas crowded with them. I'd like to keep the pelts too for traditional hats, pouches etc. Cheers, Andy.
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    Plant/ tree ID

    I was browsing through the fields today and saw 2 plants Ive never seen before. I found that I actually know very little about the local plant-life. Anyway, here they are: A) These were kind of like bamboo, growing up in hollow stalks: B) All help appreciated! Cheers, Andy.
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    Should I get this mat?

    There's a closed cell Karrimor sleeping mat in sportsworld for 6 euro (about 3/4 inch thick). I've no idea if its good quality or not. Do ye think its this worth buying? Cheers, Andy.
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    Shrinking wool?

    Ive got 2 wool jumpers I bought but they have a VERY loose weave which makes them quite useless. Does anyone know how to shrink these so they'll provide good insulation. One's 85/15 and one's 50/50. Cheers, Andy.
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    Which bushcraft book?

    Im looking for a good bushcraft book to read. I dont want the typical 'how to make a fire and use a knife' type book, more a primitive living skills type one. So can anyone recommend me one? I was thinking of getting '98.6 Degrees: The Art of Keeping Your bottom Alive' by Cody Lundin... Cheers, Andy.
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    Axe Restoration

    Hey everyone, I was looking at axes for a few hours today because I'm really interested in getting one. But I forgot that the thing I was using to chop wood was also an axe. :rolleyes: Anyways, my dad got this axe and a hatchet from an auction for five pound ages ago so I don't know much about...
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    Homemade Tinder Pouch

    Finished sewing up my tinder pouch and putting the kit together. Here it is:!
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    Does Endicotts do online orders? I've seen some really good cheap gear there but haven't seen an Add to Cart/Basket thing. Also does anyone know if they post to Ireland? Cheers.
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    Bow/ Hand Drill materials?

    Hey guys, All ive got in my local are pine, birch, horse chestnut , hawthorn, ash and beech. Any of these make a good hand drill of bow drill set? Cheers
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    US Canteen set for trade

    Hey guys, Im looking for a 1l nalgene or similar bottle and a nesting cooking pot for the US canteen set (1l bottle, aluminium canteen cup and olive green sleeve). Anyone interested?
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    FT: Military Pouches

    1 British DPM woodland camo utility pouch. 1 dpm desert camo pouch (bit smaller than above). Both are in near perfect condition and have never been used. Will consider anything to trade these for. Would love a spoon knife.
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    Can all water be made drinkable?

    Found a really cool patch of birch forest with a slow running stream running through it. Its in a very boggy area and it may be pollluted with fertiliser etc. I know its not immediately drinkable but im wondering if it can be made so by filtering/boiling?? Thanks
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    What to do in the wood??

    Just wondering what you guys like to do when you're in the bush. I, myself, like to kick back and chill out for a few hours, cook and explore a bit..
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    Need a light!

    Hey guys, Im not able to light fires in my local forest since its all pine but i'd like to have some sort of light source throughout the night just for the comfort of it. Any ideas?
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    Is aluminium any good?

    Hey guys, I'm wondering if aluminium is as good or close to stainless steel. I bought a cheap argos mess kit that was really cheap aluminium but does good quality stuff hold up well as a pot?
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    Good wood for burning?

    Hey guys! Just made a hobo stove and only had pine at hand to burn. Found it AWFUL!! It lasts no time at all and wasnt all that hot. Can anyone suggest some good timber for burning. Cheers :D
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    Zebra 14cm billy can

    Hey guys, I have a 14cm zebra billy can up for trade. It's in perfect condition apart from some very light scratched from cleaning and has only been used 3 times. I find it too big for my needs because I only use it for small meals like porridge. I am looking for a 12cm zebra billy can to...
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    Good bushcraft spots in Ireland?

    Dia dhuit irish bushcrafters! I live in Roscommon and I'm just wondering if any of you have any recommendations on where is a good spot for a few days in the woods, preferably around Roscommon or the west of Ireland Thanks