Recent content by mark oriel

  1. M

    Cycle trip?

    Really nothing firm on route yet as I am waiting for more numbers to join and a date TBC, it looks like the end of May to include the bank holiday as a start so Ben doesn't need as much time off from work. Cheers for the heads up on the ferry and road though. New Years eve was the first...
  2. M

    Cycle trip?

    Cheers Matey, as the plan unfolds I will add more details and would be grateful of any local knowledge. No offence taken and Happy New Year.
  3. M

    Cycle trip?

    Hi Janne, I have been away over Xmas and busy just before, so my apologies for not replying earlier. You are indeed very correct I did not do hardly any research before asking for a little heads up on routes etc and I meant to enquire about ferry or train from Norway to Denmark not Sweden. There...
  4. M

    Blood pressure monitors

    The reading is the most important, how it is achieved is also very important, as does the accuracy. With a sphygmomanometer the operator pumps the cuff up until it is higher than you would expect the patients Systolic pressure to be, then with the stethascope on the brachial artery the cuff is...
  5. M

    Blood pressure monitors

    I read a fascinating article the other day that read, "Arteriosclerosis can be reversed in about a month to six week by diet alone". The gist of it was to increase essential fatty acids into the diet, while at the same time reducing all trans fats and severely reducing dairy products. I would...
  6. M

    Cycle trip?

    At the moment the route is just a general southerly direction back to Calais as whoever comes gets a say on the route, however two of us were thinking of having a look at Rjukan in Telemark due to the history, is it worth a look? Cheers for the info on the bridge/tunnel from Norway to Denmark...
  7. M

    Planning Norway to Calais June 2018 - cycle+wild camp

    Much appreciated, we are only in the very early stages of route planning yet, the more info we have with regards to sights worth seeing and options not open to cyclists the better. There could be 3 of us at the moment so time available and distance is also a challenge, as we are aiming for 70...
  8. M

    Cycle trip?

    Cheers Janne, I will have a look at the maps to familiarise myself with your recommendations. Would these places be on route through Telemark? Do you know if cyclists can use the bridge over to Denmark from Norway? Up to now I am only really looking at google maps for the bigger picture so...
  9. M

    Cycle trip?

    He he!!
  10. M

    Hi John, how you doing? Its been a long time, hope all is well have to catch up

    Hi John, how you doing? Its been a long time, hope all is well have to catch up
  11. M

    Cycle trip?

    Cheers, had a look at the roll, looks good. does anyone have experience of clamp on bottle cage for front forks? or drilling riv nuts into the forks?
  12. M

    Cycle trip?

    Topeak, handy for keeping the phone, chews,,wallet and ipod, cos you can whip it off when you go into a shop or whatever. I like the idea of putting the tent up front though, better weight distribution.
  13. M

    Cycle trip?

    Cheers guys, training starts after Xmas I am hoping to do the trip on a Planet X Kaffenback. The set up I am hoping to use is a mix of Ortlieb city rear panniers and dry bag for tent, I have found Vango banshee 2 a really good lightweight and easy to erect tent, or maybe a hammock, don't know...
  14. M

    Cycle trip?

    There are now 2 of us doing the trip, more the merrier? Can anyone shed some light on transport links from Oslo north and the ferry back to Sweden, any help much appreciated.
  15. M

    Cycle trip?

    Hi Guys, don't know if this is the right place to post this, apologies if I'm wrong. I am looking to do a two week cycle wild camping /bushcraft trip from Norway to Calais next June. Very rough itinerary is to box up the bikes and fly to Oslo then cycle through Copenhagen ,Denmark, Hamberg onto...